Friday, January 14, 2011

Cheryl Interviews Lenore Coer, Actor

Out supporting my friend, model Shakyra Lashae, for her premiere party for VH1's "You're Cut Off 2" Good night with the gals :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year...Right

So...of course I'm sure you've been waiting for my new year post, reflecting over my life and this past year and what it means to me and how I plan to make it all better in 2011 and all the 'newness' that I will do.

Well, it ain't happening.

This will probably be the shortest post to date (maybe...u know I'm windy)

But seriously...what I set out to accomplish hasn't happened yet so why would I start all this new stuff and recreate myself..cuz what I want hasn't changed...and I assume that how I intend to get there hasn't changed much either. Sure, there are things that I put off last year and should have done IE getting postcards (altho I did get some I just hate them) and doing more mailings (cue postcard music again) and more things I wish to do...but I've never found that making a list of all these new things that I'm going to do in the new year to be helpful or beneficial to me. They make me more overwhelmed and stressed out than before. And whenever I get overwhelmed and stressed, I tend to do nothing.

That's right. Nothing, and pray it all goes away, with my head tucked somewhere under a cover. So this year, I plan to do the opposite of what I've done previously-No resolutions- and simply look forward to this year. Attack each day as the day that will change my life forever and smile as it happens.

No, nothing seriously new has happened, and yes I still have my dream...but I don't need a new vision board, I don't need a new 5,10, 15, or 20 year plan...cuz they haven't come true yet.

I'm gonna work on me, pray harder, and try and make each day positive and meaningful to someone. And that's the best 'resolution' (I really hate that word) that I can give.

~I'll save the rest for my journal :)

Happy New Years guys...I hope your holidays were great and you spent time with those that you's what I did.

In 2011 I will:

Pray Hard
Work Hard
Play Hard
Love Hard

I hope you do the same :)
