Wednesday, September 29, 2010

...this ship

I had an interesting conversation with a complete stranger the other day. He told me I would never forget what he said.

He then told me this story:

Once upon a time there was a captain of a ship. (s)He was captain over a large group of (wo)men and they were going into battle. The battle was on a far away island that they'd never been to before. One they had never seen. Upon reaching the island Capt. Lenore orders all the (wo)men off the boat and onto the island. And guess what (s)he does next? (S)he burns the boat to the ground.

The men ask her...what's the plan? What are we going to do? How will we survive? What will we eat? Capt. Lenore simply says, "I don't know. There is no plan B" and walks forward.

Moral of the story?

I am the captain.

I have burned down my boat.

There is no going back. I have no idea how it will all work out.

I have no plan B. There is no other option.

Only moving forward.

Hugs...I love my city :)

1 comment:

  1. Well its good that you know friendly natives on this island. We will help whenever you need. Just ask.
