Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

So if I've ever been told my life is a movie or a sitcom...that's exactly what it is.

So I'm taking my lemons and I'm turning it into lemonade and fully pursuing acting as my full-time job! IDK how it will all work out...that's part of the magic of this place I suppose. If you would like to join me on my journey I welcome you with open arms! There's so much more to my story and so much more to be told. It would be awesome for you to experience this with me. I'm looking to land a tv show/international commercial by the end of the year!

So yesterday was my first full day as a full-timer...I had to get the internet at McDonalds because they have free wifi and my cpu battery was dying! And then the cell phone started dying to...but alas, I ended up in a place that I forgot that I truly love. The library! Free internet, plugs, and books that I can enjoy! Oh and a chair! So I could sit comfortably in the ac and not smell like french fries when I leave.

Anywho, so this acting full-time thing...I have to believe that it's supposed to happen like this...I mean really? This must be part of a HUGE master plan that I'm not aware of. Guess I'm driving on a dark highway with only my headlights on...which is cool cuz I only need to see the next 20 feet.

I need to really start being careful of the things I say and ask for...cuz apparently they ALL come to pass. I said I wanted to move to NY, I said I wanted to live in BK, I said I only wanted to be at my former job for a year...well it woulda been a year in like 2 weeks. He'll really give me the desires of my heart I suppose...I guess we (I) can't decided how he gives it to me. What's funny is that at church on Sunday, Pastor was talking about how you live life on levels and arrive/develop in stages...and sometimes we need a little push to go to the next level (and sometimes we are pushed by crisis). Well ain't that just dandy. I needed a major push to move to BK (and boy did I get it) and I suppose I needed an even bigger push to pursue my dream with everything in me (and so here begins the turning point in my life).

So I'm up everyday, looking for work like it's my full-time job, because guess what, it is, although I'm absolutely positive I don't want to work in an office, or have to dress up in like work clothes on a daily basis. I'm grateful for the job that I had and for the job(s) that I will receive. I just want to act. Full-time. On a different level. Full-time. Always working. Full-time.

I must continue to remain faithful and fully believe that God did not bring me this far to leave me. That just sounds stupid! I know that he's fully committed to my successes and not my failure (got that from church too-it's like Pastor always knows what to say) I can't ever get comfortable in where I am and what I'm doing...have to keep ever evolving, growing, pushing, being stretched, reaching, and dreaming.


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